Goyette Plumbers Join UA Local 370 Effort to Aid Flint Water Crisis

Flint, MI – Over 350 skilled plumbers from across the State of Michigan joined forces with 13 Plumbers from Goyette Mechanical to volunteer their time on Saturday to help Flint residents affected by the water situation.  The event was organized by Flint UA Local 370 Plumbers and Pipefitters Union.  The Volunteer plumbers installed new faucets and water filters on homes in the city of Flint that have had positive tests for lead in their water systems.


Goyette Plumbing technicians including Dan Chatters, Andy Bronson, Chip Hatter, Kevin Kinasz, Billy Smith, Adam Niestuchowski, Matt Perry, Leif Johnson

Rob Johnson Bob Burns, Bob Eremia, John Esper, and Tyler Belill dedicated their entire day to the needed effort.  They were joined by plumbers from Lansing, Detroit, Saginaw and cities all across the state. 


Water filters were installed in effected homes, as well as new faucets for homes that had older model faucets that could not adapt to the filters.  In all, the team of volunteer plumbers visited over 1,100 homes on Saturday.  Flint Local 370 will continue the efforts aided by relief money from the State.

Flint UA Local 370 Plumbers volunteer their time to install new water filters in Flint homes On Saturday January 30th, 2016.